Monday 25 May 2015

Recipe no 2- sense- anger...strange as it may sound but its an interesting story.

The story goes like this ...on a normal day like any other family.... my cook had made a typical Gujarati lunch which consisted of toor dal and bhindi saabzi... 

Now as usual my kids Natasha and Khushi with my husband Vipul made a huge hue and cry as all of them hate bhindi. 

There was a lot of anger there for not being able to eat properly and than began the fight where I had to convince or rather force them to eat. This was healthy food. Green was good for them I said. But none of that made any sense to them as all they could see on the plate was limp bhindi, Honestly it didn't look appetizing to me as well. 

But being the mother I had to force them to eat.

As you all can guess how that ended. 
They all sulked and ate but that day I realized that I had to make the green vegetables fun and tasty to eat. I knew that I had to make eating the normal food for them fun and not something that they would hate.

Anger while eating will only lead to a stomach ache or acidity. I didn't want my family to feel like that towards any food.

So I decided to change this hate into love.

To do this I racked my brains for the right taste and recipe.

I took bhindi for this challenge and decided that I will change the perception for this vegetable.

I tried a lot of permutation and combinations using my family as the lab rats for tasting. 

Finally I did come up with a killer one.

My family loved it and than I decided that I will test this recipe on a more social platform.

It was ganapati festival and I had a lot of guests come over for ganapati Darshan at home.

There was dinner as prasad and guess what I had cooked?!!!!!

Absolutely right of the vegetable dish was bhindi.

I could see a lot of people not willing to try it, but I forced them and the results were amazing..

They kept going back for a 2nd and 3rd helping.

The response I got was as follows:

"My husband would refuse to eat bhindi... you changed that today"

" I love it... this is amazing"

" I would have never thought that bhindi could taste so good"

There were so many positive feedback .

So what did I do that was so different or revolutionary that people who hated bhindi started to love it... nothing really just gave it a little make over from normal ghar ka cooked (limp) bhindi.. to a restaurant quality " Bhindi Fry Masala"

So her goes the recipe:


Bhindi- 1/2 kg ( this will feed about 4 to 5 people)

Onions- 3 (finely chopped)

Garlic and adarak paste - 1 table spoon

Mustard seeds- 1 table spoon

Green chili- 3 to 4

Coriander leaves-finely chopped

Oil to fry

Ghee- 2 table spoon

Red chili powder- 1 table spoon

Haldi - a pinch

Dhaniya powder - ! table spoon

Kitchen king masala- 2 table spoon

Hing- a pinch

Salt to taste


1. chop the bhindi into small pieces.

2. heat the oil

3. fry the bhindi crispy 

4. put the casserole on heat

5. add ghee and mustard seeds in.

6. once the mustard seeds pop add the hing, Green chili and the garlic adarak paste.

7. cook for about 15 secs and than add the onions. Cook the onions till they are pink.

8. Add all your masalas ( red chili powder, haldi, dhaniya powder & kitchen king). Cook the 
masala till the ghee separate ( do this on low flame so that it doesn't burn)

9. Add the fried bhindi and stir

10. Add salt to taste

11. Garnish it with coriander leaves.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I have.

Please do subscribe, like, follow and give me your comments.

Goodbye- happy reading- happy cooking- happy eating.

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