Thursday 28 May 2015

Recipe no 4: sense-hallelujah..... This one all moms will relate and probably some dads.

For this story the one word that comes to mind is "KACHUMBER".

In Gujarati language a salad or rather one kind of salad is called Kachumber. It consist of finely chopped onions, tomato, cucumber, and beet seasoned with salt and lime.

So this story started when my daughters Natasha and Khushi were 8 and 3 respectively. 

I had just shifted to stay with my mom and also just started full time work.

This made me stay out of home a lot and my mother in charge of my kids.

My mom loved them and would feed them only healthy meals of course as she was very very particular.

Which meant that salad had to been eaten.

Now that wasn't all there should be a curd element too in the meal.

She was of course right and poor woman tried her best to make her grandchildren eat these 2 things but would they? of course not. for some reason they just wouldn't eat these things.

They would make her run around the house (poor woman) and still if she succeeded in making them put it in their mouth...they would spit it all out.. (uff)

One day my mother sat me down and told me the problem... 

Hyper that I am... I started to panic thinking 
"oh my god!!! now what will happen ? my kids will not get proper nourishment if they don't eat salad and curd... oh my god!!" 

I was a mess for the day. 

My poor mother cursed the time she told me cause now besides the 2 kids food issue she had to deal with my hysteria.

Anyways a few days went by and I was invited to a friends place for a house party and the food was amazing ,

What was unique about one dish in particular was that it was a curd dish which they were calling a dip and people were dipping raw carrots, cucumber in it and eating. 

I had to taste it. It tasted amazing ..the curd had the funky taste which stayed with me.
I thought to myself what an amazing way to combine the two.

My mind drifted to my kids again but than I realized that there was no way that they would pick up a raw carrot stick and dip it into curd and have it.

But the concept stayed with me.

I went home mulled over it...what if I were to mix the 2 but that it would look like a ratia, which I am sure that they wouldn't touch.

As I was mulling I heard my mom in the kitchen....I went there and saw her making preparation for making srikhand in the morning.

She had taken the curd out of the vessel, put in in a cotton muslin cloth hung it over the kitchen sink for the water to drain out so that the curd would be firm and the srikhand would be creamy instead of watery. 

As I saw this an idea struck my head... what if I could combine this hung curd with the salad, dress it up with a few thing and make a dip?

I was excited and next day morning I did just that.

I took the hung curd mixed it with the salad gave it a few magical touches served it with potato wafers during snack time and voila .....everything was eaten.

And I felt that sense of HALLELUJAH- I made it happen....Yipee

That's how my first ever dip came into being.

After that day my kids never ran away from eating salad or curd for that matter

So now the recipe for all the mothers who suffer the same anxiety as me.


Dahi- about 1 kg

Onions- 3 finely chopped

Tomato- 2 finely chopped

Cucumber- 2 finely chopped

Beet- 2 ( if you want to add) finely chopped

Peanuts - handful


Grated cheese

Salt & pepper to taste

One can also add green chilies if this is being made for adults and you wanted some spicy.

Hang the curd over night to drain the water out.

Next morning remove the curd from the cloth put it in bowl

Add onion cucumber tomato bee and peanuts. Mix well

Add cheese mix well

Season it with the herb, add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with wafers or crackers

That should do the trick with your kids and trust me you will never have force them to eat salad again.

That's all for today

Happy reading- Happy cooking- Happy eating.

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